Advance your career by proactively managing, planning and reviewing your professional goals.

AMA Careers Service

The AMA Careers Service, managed by AMA Victoria, is available to all AMA members.

As an AMA member (excluding student members) of these states these states or territories you can access the following FREE services.

  1. Career Call’ –  an initial 15-minute telephone discussion with one of our careers consultants to discuss any career related matter. To Book a ‘Career Call’ click here.
  2. Resume Check Up’ – a 15-minute telephone discussion with a career consultant in which we review the current state of your resume and provide feedback and recommendations for improvement. To book a ‘Resume Check-Up’ click here.

AMA Victoria also provide a range of other career, professional and leadership coaching services at an AMA member rate, including students. For all states other than Victoria, please select ‘other state’ member when booking.

To explore these services, please visit Professional Development & Careers on the AMA Victoria website.

AMA Victoria offers a variety of coaching services and career solutions designed to support doctors across their entire career lifecycle – from med student to retirement.

Visit AMA Victoria

Preparing for your next role

The first impression you make upon applying for a new job is through your cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV) and interview. These tools require attention to detail, ensuring they deliver the message to your employer in a clear and concise manner, whilst still conveying the right information.

To assist you in being better prepared and more confident to navigate and proactively manage the professional challenges and opportunities that present throughout your career lifecycle, the AMA offers learning opportunities. Search the doctorportal Learning CPD Learning catalogue to register for our online career modules. Some State and Territory AMAs also offer 1:1 career services, so contact your AMA directly for details. Please note, some career services incur a fee, while others are only available to AMA Members.

IMPORTANT: Please note that when accessing these services, 10 working days’ notice is required to allow sufficient time to provide you with the best opportunity to gain that competitive edge.


Lifelong learning

Lifelong learning is critical for any professional, including medical practitioners. doctorportal Learning, created by the AMA provides ongoing high-quality, accredited medical education support to help meet your CPD requirements.

Medical Board of Australia CPD requirements

The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) requires medical practitioners engaged in any form of medical practice and who are “registered with the Medical Board of Australia (the Board) to complete a minimum number of continuing professional development (CPD) hours relevant to their scope of practice’.

To learn about the MBA requirements of CPD to meet ongoing registration requirements, please visit the MBA website. FAQs and Fact sheets are also available.

doctorportal Learning

For accredited, peer-reviewed CPD Learning and effortless CPD Tracking, please visit the AMA’s doctorportal Learning. The AMA's CPD Tracker is free for all medical professionals.

To learn more, visit our FAQs or contact


Looking after yourself

Contemporary medicine is challenging, exciting, dynamic, and a career in medicine is rewarding but at times stressful. Importantly, have a GP you know well and trust to provide you with the advice needed. This relationship is as critical to your well-being as it is for the general public.

Health matters

“Healthy doctors, healthy patients” or indeed “healthy doctors better medicine” are well-known sayings in the medical profession. You need to be well yourself to be able to provide high-quality health care to your patients and the community, and to experience medicine as a rewarding and satisfying career.

Research shows that doctors with good personal health practices are more likely to talk positively to their patients and pass on healthy behaviours. Drs4Drs provide online resources and training to help you at all stages of your career.

Tips to help you look after your own health

  1. Take responsibility for your own physical and psychological health.
  2. Establish a continuing therapeutic relationship with a GP.
  3. Never feel guilty if you have to take time off for illness.
  4. Incorporate regular leave, good nutrition, exercise, leisure and family time into your lifestyle.
  5. Keep up to date with your vaccinations and screening tests.
  6. Avoid self-diagnosis, treatment and prescribing.
  7. Establish a network of colleagues and peers for debriefing, support and mentoring.
  8. Incorporate self-help techniques, such as stress management and time management into your professional development.

Doctors and medical students across Australia have access to expanded doctors health services under a funding agreement between Doctors Health Services and the Medical Board of Australia. These services are collegial, confidential and available 24/7.  Please visit Drs4Drs to access this confidential service.

Medical insurance

As a medical practitioner you require medical insurance proof of currency as part of your Medical Board of Australia registration renewal. Medical indemnity insurers must meet the minimum product standards that apply to all medical indemnity insurers as defined in the Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards) Act 2003 (Source: Medical Board of Australia).

Medical indemnity insurers supporting Australian medical practitioners are:

  • Avant
  • Medical Indemnity Protection Society Limited (MIPS)
  • Medical Insurance Group (MIGA)
  • MDA National (MDAN)

Managing your finances

As an employee, find time to check your pay slips and report any discrepancies to your pay office and your State or Territory AMA. As your employment terms and conditions will be the result of negotiations by AMA and/or ASMOF, the industrial officers will be able to assist you.

It is considered advisable that you think about your financial future. Please contact your State or Territory AMA and/or visit the FairWork Ombudsman's website for their Pay and Conditions Tool (The PACT). 

Some things to consider in relation to looking after your finances include:

  1. Workplace
  • Pay slips
  • Overtime income
  • Managing hospital superannuation contributions
  • Salary sacrificing
  1. Lending/debt
  • HECS
  • Good debt vs bad debt
  • Loans
  • Credit cards
  1. Lifestyle and asset protection
  • Insurance
  1. Wealth creation
  • Retirement
  • Superannuation
  • Property
  • Financial planning


MJA Jobs Board

Now more than ever, employers are looking for doctors with a range of experience.

With MJA Jobs Board, you can search, view and apply for medical jobs across Australia absolutely free of cost.

As an AMA member, you get 50% discount every time you post a job, which is also sent to over 32,000 MJA Jobs newsletter subscribers every fortnight.

Search and apply to open positions, or post jobs on MJA Jobs Board.



This material is generic in nature and is made available on the understanding that the AMA is not engaged in rendering professional advice. Before relying on the material provided, users should carefully evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance for their purposes, and should obtain professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances where necessary. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, the AMA or its employees cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising to any person as a result of using this site.