
Dr Betty Ge

Introducing your Council of General Practice representatives 

Name: Dr Betty Ge, AMA ACT

What drew you to medicine? 

 A deep curiosity about human mind and body. 

What are your favourite and least favourite parts of general practice? 

My favourite part of general practice is the privilege to work with patients at their most vulnerable moments and to be allowed to be part of their journey towards healing and understanding. 

My least favourite part of general practice is inadequate health funding for general practice.  

What is your top advocacy priority and why? 

Doctors’ health and wellbeing. It is absolutely crucial for us to maintain a healthy medical workforce so that our doctors can provide high-quality care to our vulnerable patients and maintain the nation’s health.  

What do you think is the biggest challenge for GPs at the moment? 

Lack of funding and political support/erosion of the scope of practice. 

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