Commonwealth Supported Places and Medical Workforce Supply and Distribution
The AMA position statement Commonwealth Supported Places and Medical Workforce Supply and Distribution 2023 outlines the AMA’s position on medical school CSPs contextualised with related issues within the medical training pipeline and its lack of coordination between training entities and jurisdictions.

The position statement advocates:
- That the Commonwealth funds an independent health workforce planning and analysis body that provides evidence based, high-quality and contemporary data to inform health workforce planning and development.
- That medical school Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) are allocated and distributed according to workforce data and community needs.
- That CSPs are linked to university and medical school outcomes including the graduation of increased generalist and rural medical workforce.
- And future alterations to medical school CSPs be paired with commensurate alteration and investment in downstream prevocational and specialist medical workforce reform designed to meet the geographic and specialty workforce needs of Australia.