Anti-racism position statement
The AMA Anti-Racism Statement confirms the AMA’s zero tolerance approach towards racism in medicine and the Australian healthcare sector as well as its commitment to working collaboratively to eliminate racism within the health system.
Racism in all forms is unacceptable. It breaches national laws and negatively impacts on individual and collective health and the health economy.
This statement confirms the AMA’s zero tolerance approach towards racism in medicine and the Australian healthcare sector as well as its commitment to working collaboratively to eliminate racism within the health system.
It discusses the nature and impact of racism on medical practitioners in the healthcare environment, with a specific focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors and International Medical Graduates. It also acknowledges the impact of racism on other culturally and racially marginalised groups (CARM) and the intersectional nature of racism.
The statement makes several recommendations on tackling racism in the health workforce and in the delivery of care to patients including at a healthcare and training provider level and as individual doctors.