
AMA Trainee Forum/Costs of Training/28 July 2021

Specialist Medical College Trainee Committee Chairs and Representatives met on 28 July 2021 to discuss costs of specialist vocational training. The meeting acknowledged that changes to assessment modalities to meet COVID-19 requirements had impacted both positively and negatively on costs of training and recognised the need for ongoing flexibility for Colleges to meet training requirements. Trainees considered how Colleges were communicating with trainees about costs of training, particularly increasing costs, and engaging with trainees to manage costs.

There was strong support for:

  1. the AMC to review and strengthen accreditation standards regarding the transparency of training costs. 
  2. all Colleges to have in place a financial wellbeing/hardship policy for trainees to account for times when personal and/or financial circumstances change and/or training costs are high.
  3. a review of the costs of reconsideration, review and appeals processes be considered by all Colleges.

The next meeting will be held in October 2021. 

The AMACDT Trainee Forum is designed to increase collaboration between Specialist Medical College Trainee Committees and enhance cross specialty communication. If you have any feedback or questions, please contact us at  

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