
AMA Trainee Forum: Training through the pandemic and lessons learnt

Specialist Medical College Trainee Committee Chairs and Representatives met on 2 February 2022 to discuss the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on specialist medical education and training.  

Trainees identified a range of initiatives implemented by Medical Colleges that have been successful in supporting trainees to progress through training during the pandemic 

Trainees agreed it was important for Specialist Medical Colleges and trainees to strengthen collaboration to better share examples of policies and practices (both positive and negative) that have supported trainees to progress through training during the pandemic, and to discuss how this could continue as part of usual practice moving forward 

Trainees acknowledged the immense challenges COVID has posed to all Colleges, staff, trainees, and fellows regarding trainee progression through training, and appreciated the ongoing commitment and support from the Colleges to allow this to occur.  

In this the third year of the pandemic, trainees emphasised the importance of Medical Colleges and trainees learning from past experiences, sharing successes and failures, and working collaboratively to improve education and training, and to future proof systems to the extent possible against further disruption. 

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