
AMA Submission FSANZ Energy Labelling of Alcoholic Beverages

The AMA supports the proposed addition of energy labelling on alcoholic beverages, to further inform consumers on the energy content contained in these beverages.

The AMA supports the proposed addition of energy labelling on alcoholic beverages to further inform consumers on the energy content contained in these beverages. This is an important step in regulating and standardising how consumers are informed on energy contents across the food and beverage industry. Energy intake is a major contributing factor to maintaining good health and reducing the risk of chronic disease related to unhealthy body weight. 

The AMA is committed to Australia achieving the greatest possible reduction in the harmful effects of excess alcohol consumption. The AMA believes these harms are best reduced through targeted prevention, which includes appropriate labelling of alcoholic beverages, and educating the community on how best to understand and make choices around their consumption of alcoholic beverages.   

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