Round table identifies actions to encourage a career in general practice
The key message from last week’s AMA Council of Doctors in Training virtual roundtable was that to improve the attractiveness of general practice as a career, significant investment into general practice is required by governments.

AMACDT Chair, Dr Hannah Szewczyk, facilitated a discussion on creating a positive narrative on the rewarding aspects of general practice through impactful prevocational exposure and fostering quality training experiences in general practice.
A consistent theme emerged that without support for supervision, general practice training will continue to suffer. GP participants reported increasing difficulty balancing complex patient loads with financial strain on practices while training the next generation of general practitioners.
AMA Vice President Danielle McMullen summarised by stating “Supervisors are a key part of the GP workforce and make an important contribution to teaching and training that must be adequately supported. There is such a strain on general practice at the moment that supervision is becoming increasingly challenging”.
The overwhelming view that investment in general practice is the best way to attract and retain trainees aligns with the AMA’s call to restore $3.8 billion stripped from general practices as a consequence of the Medicare freeze.
A communique from the Roundtable, Better than a backup: supporting doctors in training to choose a career in general practice, and a recording of the panel discussion will be forthcoming.