We want your feedback on digital authentication
The AMA provides regular input to Services Australia regarding user experience, challenges and areas of improvement to digital health services.

We know that all health professionals are required to navigate a vast and complex digital landscape every day in performing healthcare services.
Services Australia performs ongoing work to enhance user experience, improve interoperability, safeguard information, and generally improve digital health solutions.
We are keen to hear your insights, ideas and experiences with digital authentication as healthcare providers.
Current Authentication Methods you may be familiar with include:
- PRODA: Used for Medicare Online, DVA, AIR, ECLIPSE, PBS Online, Aged Care Web Services, Provider Connect Australia, and My Health Record Portals.
- NASH PKI Certificates: Used for My Health Record, secure messaging, and the Healthcare Identifiers Service.
The AMA’s contributions work towards developing strategies to streamline authentication processes and make it easier for you to access digital health services.
Please send your feedback to memberservices@ama.com.au