
Alzheimer treatments, MS-2 Step, oral contraception and flu vaccination in the news

The AMA Vice-President was in the nation’s media this past week

AMA Vice-President Dr Danielle McMullen has been in the media spotlight this week discussing hot-button issues.

Dr McMullen appeared on the Today Extra program earlier this week to discuss the possible breakthroughs in treating Alzheimer’s disease. She emphasised the new drug, Donanemab, is not a cure for the disease, but “it just shows that science is progressing and that we are gradually understanding more about this really difficult illness which is so important moving forward”.

Dr McMullen was also asked about the spike in Influenza B and the proposed tightening of vaping laws.

She warned that vaccine complacency is a problem, but that Influenza “is a life-threatening illness, particularly for young people. And so important to get out there and get that flu vaccine”.

Dr McMullen was also quoted in The Australian and The Age newspapers on the subject of reproductive healthcare.

The Australian covered the  decision of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to relax restrictions and make prescriptions for MS-2 Step more easily accessible through general practice and from other appropriately qualified health professionals, in which Dr McMullen welcomed the expanded access to the medication, noting the need for more training and support needed to empower healthcare professionals to prescribe and offer holistic care to patients.

DrMcMullen was quoted in The Age is response to overseas plans to allow over the counter contraceptive medicines to be sold in grocery stores. She again reiterated concerns over pharmacy trials in Australia saying it would be better if government instead looked to extend pill scripts, making it easier for patients to get out-of-session scripts from their regular GP practice.

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