
President’s update: bula!

AMA President Dr Danielle McMullen welcomes members to 2025 and provides an update on the happenings at federal AMA.


While we may already be halfway through January, please allow me to wish you all a very happy 2025! Before I look ahead, I want to remind you of the hard work federal AMA did in 2024 on behalf of you, our members. This handy infographic gives a snapshot of our work (which you can also share when colleagues ask, “what does the AMA actually do for us?”).

Unless you’re still lucky enough to be in complete holiday mode, you’ll be well aware that 2025 is an election year. We will be persistent in our advocacy to politicians across the spectrum in the lead-up to the election reminding them that health is the number one priority for many, many voters. We’ll be looking for commitments on MBS reform in general practice, public hospitals, scope of practice, and private health, especially in regard to protecting doctors’ clinical autonomy and patient choice and pushing back on any moves towards vertical integration or managed care. Cost of living pressures are hitting many Australians, but doctors shouldn’t have to wear the bill.

I’ve been in the media this week speaking with the ABC’s 730 Report about the need for improved warning labels on alcohol packaging alerting Australians to the inherent link between alcohol consumption and cancer risks. Even I was surprised to hear estimates that one in six breast cancers could be linked to alcohol intake. I’ve also been in the papers, radio, and TV talking about declining bulk billing rates in the wake of the Cleanbill report. We know that Cleanbill paints a skewed picture — I was pleased to see journalists were mostly aware of that and know that GPs are doing all we can to improve access and affordability. It’s time for the government to step up to the plate. We’ll have more to say on our asks for GP funding in the lead-up to the election.

Finally, I must thank our wonderful Vice President Julian Rait for handling a lot of media — again lots on Medicare — while I was having a quick holiday with my husband in Fiji.

With some scuba diving and plenty of lounging, I’m relaxed, restored and ready to face what will be a bumper 2025. There’s a big year ahead but your AMA has never been more ready to fight for you and your patients.

And on that note… bula!

Dr Danielle McMullen in Fiji

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