2023 AMA Specialist Trainee Experience Health Check – Longitudinal Comparisons


These graphs highlight longitudinal trainee experiences reported since the Medical Training Survey began in 2019. Longitudinal trainee responses to each question explored in tables 1 and 2, and from each specialist medical college featured in the 2023 AMA Specialist Trainee Experience Health Check (STHC) can be viewed below.

Click on the coloured circles to toggle on/off the data related to each college, and for the overall trainee response across all specialist medical colleges (“overall”).


Glossary of acronyms

  • ANZCA: Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
  • ACEM: Australasian College for Emergency Medicine
  • RACGP: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 
  • ACRRM: Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine 
  • CICM: College of Intensive Care Medicine 
  • RANZCOG: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists  
  • RCPA: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia  
  • RACP: Royal Australasian College ofPhysicians  
  • RANZCP: Royal Australian and NewZealand College of Psychiatrists  
  • RANZCR: Royal Australian and NewZealand College of Radiologists  
  • RACS: Royal Australasian College ofSurgeons 

My College clearly communicates changes to my training program


I know who to contact at the College about my training program


The College seeks my views on the training program


I am represented by doctors in training on the College training/education committees


The College provides me with access to mental health support services


The exams always reflected the College training curriculum


The College always provided accurate and appropriate information about exams


I received useful feedback about my performance in the exams


The feedback was timely


I received support from my College when needed


I have access to protected study time/leave


My job responsibilities do not prevent from meeting training requirements


I have a good work/life balance


I am confident that I would raise concerns about bullying/harassment/discrimination


Working unpaid overtime impacts my wellbeing sometimes/never


You never/sometimes get paid for the unrostered overtime


There are safe mechanisms for raising training/wellbeing concerns with the College


I have to compete with other doctors for access to opportunities